Use Advanced Searching to search for a particular word or phrase in a particular indexing field.
Use caution! Not all fields are available for all records.
Company Name:
Contains the name of the company discussed in the document. Generally, only
significant portions of the company name are included; do not include terms like
"Inc." or "Co." in your search. For clinical investigator EIRs, this field
includes the name of the clinical investigator.
K Number:
FDA-assigned device 510(k) number presented with initial K followed by six digits
e.g. K990709 Biologic 510(k)s are presented with an initial BK followed by six
Device Code:
FDA-assigned code corresponding to the classification name.
PMA Number:
FDA-assigned premarket approval number presented with initial P followed by
six digits e.g. P950702
NDA Number:
This field includes the Drug Application Number, when known. NDA and ANDA numbers
are entered with an initial N followed by five digits e.g. NDA #20-262 is searched
as N20262. Veterinary application numbers begin with V; Biologic application
numbers begin with B.
Approval Date:
Date of approval or substantial equivalence declaration. Entered in the format
Trade Name:
Trade (Brand) name(s) for drug(s) discussed in the document.
Generic Name:
Generic name(s) for drug(s) discussed in the document.
Begin Date:
Used to indicate the beginning of a referenced event, e.g. the
beginning date of an inspection or advisory committee meeting.
Presented in the format mm/dd/yyyy
Docket Number:
FDA-Assigned docket management code, presented as a hyphenated number e.g. 99P-0100
Recall Number:
FDA-Assigned recall tracking number presented with a leading # sign and internal
hyphenation, e.g. #Z-000-2. The letter indicates the product recalled: Z=Device
recall; D=Drug recall; B=Biologic recall
Petition Number:
FDA-Assigned petition management code, presented as a hyphenated number e.g. 98P-0102
Contract Number:
Government assigned contract or grant number.
FDA and/or company individuals named in the document, such as FDA investigators
involved in an inspection, company representatives speaking at an advisory
committee meeting, FDA approval application reviewers.
Advisory Committee Name:
The full name of the advisory committee is included for advisory committee
meeting minutes and transcripts. If known, the advisory panel name is included
for device approvals and 510(k)s.